@hurby/dribbble.js - v1.0.0

The unofficial Dribbble JavaScript SDK

This is the unofficial JavaScript SDK for Dribbble, making it easy to communicate with its API in your JavaScript application.

  • Read API Reference to understand how the Dribbble API works.
  • Visit Docs for function usage.
  • OAuth 2.0 Integration: This SDK supports OAuth 2.0, allowing you to authenticate users and interact with the Dribbble API securely.
  • Type-safe: Written in TypeScript and documented with TSDoc, ensuring that you get proper type checking and code completion.
# bun
bun install @hurby/dribbble.js
# pnpm
pnpm install @hurby/dribbble.js
# npm
npm install @hurby/dribbble.js
import { Dribbble, Users } from "@hurby/dribbble.js";

// Setup Dribbble OAuth client
const dribbbleClient = new Dribbble({
clientId: process.env.DRIBBBLE_CLIENT_ID,
clientSecret: process.env.DRIBBBLE_CLIENT_SECRET,
redirectURI: process.env.DRIBBBLE_REDIRECT_URI,

// Generate random state
const state = dribbbleClient.generateState();

// Generate the authorization URL
const authURL = dribbbleClient.createAuthorizationURL(state, [

// Redirect the user to the auth URL

// After redirect, use the authorization code to get the access token
const { accessToken, error } = await dribbbleClient.validateAuthorizationCode(

For more functions usage, see Docs